OTRE partners with France Travail and Cheops to strengthen recruitment efficiency

News of the 17/01/2025

The job of truck driver is currently the most sought-after in the sector, with 81,300 offers available on the francetravail.fr website. Yesterday, France Travail, Cheops and OTRE signed a partnership agreement to meet the growing need for labor in the road freight and passenger transport sector.

The three partners aim to improve the attractiveness of transport professions by remedying the image deficit that harms their ability to attract qualified candidates. In this way, they wish to facilitate access to employment for job seekers and promote the construction of their professional careers. Cheops, which specializes in the integration and retention in employment of people with disabilities, will strengthen the sector's action with a view to inclusion.

The partners have defined five main areas for their joint action:

  1. Development of relations between companies in the sector and France Travail : facilitating regional contacts and strengthening knowledge of networks.
  2. Mobilization of France Travail recruitment services : adapting support to the specific needs of companies, particularly VSEs and SMEs.
  3. Attractiveness of professions : promote road transport professions through targeted communication actions.
  4. Skills development : contribute to the construction of training courses adapted to the needs of the sector.
  5. Inclusion of people with disabilities : working on professional integration in synergy with the Handicap Teams, made up of France Travail agents and Cap emploi advisors, who work in each France Travail agency and support employers in their recruitment. Securing jobs for people with disabilities with the Cap emploi network, which provides support for maintaining employment and professional development.
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