The Iru (International Road Transport Union) warns of the shortage of truck drivers, which could double in five years. The profession is aging, with few young people and women. The Iru studied 36 countries in America, Asia and Europe, and found a 7% shortage of drivers.
The Iru calls on governments and authorities to improve working conditions and access to the profession, which is expensive and unprofitable. For example, in France, you have to pay on average 5,250 euros to obtain a truck driver's license and a Certificate of Professional Aptitude, or more than three times the monthly minimum wage. The Iru proposes to lower the minimum driving age and subsidize qualification costs.
The Iru also suggests facilitating access to the profession for drivers from third countries, to fill gaps if necessary. This measure could promote diversity and integration in the road transport sector, which is vital to the global economy.
Iru notes that the shortage of drivers eased slightly in 2023, due to a drop in transport demand due to inflation and tighter monetary policy. But this situation is not sustainable, and we must anticipate the future needs of the sector, which will have to meet the challenges of the ecological and digital transition.